Advertising Jingles Composing & Production Services - New Orleans Jingle Company

New Orleans Jingle Company

     If you own or operate a local, small or regional company and want to have an original commercial jingle, I can provide that service.  After an initial meeting to learn more about your business needs and marketing strategies, I will score, compose, arrange, produce, form lyrics, record, mix and master a highly professional quality jingle.  Don't let all that scare you.  I will do this at the most competitive price with extremely high quality. 

     You will have many options and ideas and packages to choose from, and my number one priority is to help you generate more customers for your company, whatever its size.  We'll work together to take your ideas and bring them to life.

     Various businesses have different needs and differing budgets, and I want to find a program that will be the perfect solution to your needs.  We will consider your Target Audience, the preferred Musical Style, what radio stations or internet format, where you want to play it, locations, specific products or services, your current slogan or positioning statement, and whether you want to play it locally, regionally, or nationally.

Jingles Tend to come in Various Options.  Here are a few of them...
  • 60 seconds full sing.
  • 60 seconds, music/singing first 10 to 15 seconds, background music for voiceovers in the middle, and 10 to 15 seconds of music/singing at the end.
  • 30 second full sing
  • 30 second singing/talking mixes
  • 15 seconds singing
  • 15 seconds slogan singing before or after talking.
  • A 60 second digital video produced with your jingle on it for embedding in your website or attaching to emails and other forms of advertising.  I will also set it up on YouTube online for you.
  • Any variation or options that you want.  These I've mention or any others that you want to discuss.
  • Any style of music you want for your market.
  • Other options of me visiting you monthly to have YOU record your own voiceovers!  Let your customers get to know you personally!
  • YOU will own the jingle and all rights to it, play it whenever, wherever, unless we agree otherwise.

     Well versed in music theory, and very creative when it comes to lyrics and memorable melodies, I will score, arrange, produce, mix and master a jingle that you will be very proud to play and hear.  I will even provide you with the musically arranged sheet music in a frame as a nice keepsake for your office wall!

Why a Commercial Jingle???
     A jingle provides a business the name recognition quality that no other media can provide.  Corporations invest millions upon millions of dollars to create the perfect advertising messages, and more importantly, they invest in the ways to have their potential customers REMEMBER those very messages.
     I pretty much am assured that you remember  “I’d like to teach the world to sing…” for Coca-Cola.  Or, “I am stuck on Band-Aid, cause Band-Aid’s stuck on me!”… Or, “Decorating’s Easy At Rooms to Go…”  Or, more of a local flavor, “1825 Tulane!…”  Well, you get the picture…
     Anyway, fortunately you don’t have to invest the millions that many of those companies do.  They invest in nationwide media buys, but local radio is quite affordable, more than you might think, and the investment in a quality jingle that I will provide literally has the potential to provide a lifetime of benefits to your local or regional company! 

                Here is some very interesting information!
  • Jingles have a memory retention 10 times faster than a plain talking ad.
  • People listen to the radio for music.  Jingles are music.
  • Even if a listener doesn't like certain styles of music, certain melodies with specific music-theory chord progressions almost make it impossible for people not to hum or sing along with the tune after hearing it.  They can't get them out of their head!
  • Jingles last forever.
  • According to Radio Recall Research Inc., canned background music does NOT effect recall.  If a popular song is used as a substitute, recall becomes 23% more effective. (Try buying the licensing rights to a popular tune…not cheap!)  Even if you take a popular song and add your own lyrics, it only goes to a 43% effective rate.  HOWEVER!  If you have an original piece of music, with original lyrics and musical arrangement specifically created for a certain advertiser, you can receive the highest overall retention rate of 78% for your message!
  • The small investment with me right now in a commercial jingle can pay you a lifetime of dividends.  Fortunately for you, and for me, most local/regional businesses simply buy radio time with commercials using canned background/voiceover.  Boring! Boring! Boring! 
  • Stop right now and think of a jingle you know of and remember.  Hard to forget!  Can you name all the ingredients to a Big Mac?  Two all-beef patties…..
  • A talking commercial can get old quickly, songs last in our hearts and minds for years, jingles can even become nostalgic.  I challenge you to not be able to sing in its entirety, “My bologna has a first name, it’s…..”
  • You can SAVE MONEY by literally not running your commercial as often since the music will be more memorable to your potential clients than simply words.
  • Jingles, because they are music, tend to be played first after regular radio songs to ease the transition to commercials for the radio station.  People will not have changed the channel yet and your message will be heard more often than simple "talkies."
  • The biggest corporations with the biggest and brightest marketing departments use jingles.  They know it works!  You will be head and shoulders above your competition being one of the few local companies with a jingle.  You will be the envy of every single one of your competitors!
  • More powerful than a logo or slogan, your jingle "becomes" your company's identity.
  • A recent study demonstrated that Radio & TV combined to be 93% of the way consumers learn and discover new music. Radio 55%, TV 38%.  Your jingle will fit perfectly into that massive consumer learning process.(See graph, Source EMI, SXSW Convention, 2013)

        Again, you get the picture.

     I’ve been playing and creating music for over 30 years, worked in advertising for almost 20 years, and have a degree in Marketing & Advertising from Indiana University.  I understand music AND advertising!!  And it is my hope to help you spread your message as you want it to be known.

     While creating extremely memorable melodies, I have access to a recording studio, musicians, singers and state of the art recording equipment and instruments, which will enable me to create a positive musical correlation between music and your business's marketing strategy.

Jingle Savings Quiz!
     However!  Forget statistics and everything I’ve written above.  Do this little Jingle Quiz below and I’ll give you $5 off your Total Package Price for every Jingle that you answer correctly!  Maximum of $50.
     Here are ten Jingles, including one bonus chance for all New Orleans customers.
          Sometimes you feel like a _____, sometimes you don't.
          Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, ________.
          We bring good things to _______.
          Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh, what a ________.
          My bologna has a first name, it's ________.
          ________ the San Francisco treat.
          Give me a break, give me a break, _______.
          I’d like to teach the world sing, I’d like to buy the world a _______
          And like a good neighbor, __________is there.
          The best part of waking up, is ______in your cup.

          BONUS:  1825_________!    (New Orleans Region Customers only!)

Number correct_______ x $5 = Savings of _____.  (Maximum $50)

     It's probably been many years, and a lot of good memories have passed since you've last heard some of these jingles.  THAT, is the power a commercial Jingle can provide to your business's name recognition.  THIS, is what works!
     "The advertisers who believe in the selling power of jingles, (realize how well they work), and have never had to sell anything."--David Ogilvy "The Father of Advertising"                                         
     It would be my honor to sit and discuss with you any and all ideas for your business.

     Give me a chance to earn your business.  I guarantee you will be satisfied!  Let's get started.  Call now!
Phone: 812-697-0807
Book Tim today by clicking on this "Contact Us" button! 

Tweets by @88KeysToTickle           